Full-Spectrum Healing:
An Elevated Model for Success
Workshop Highlights
Practices to take you to the next level of:
a) intimacy and harmony in relationships
b) your career graph of being an integrated professional
c) inner peace and service to society
Mindful movement & practices (on chairs) to relax and reconnect
Learn the Jyothi mudra and Jyothi Kriya. It will help:
a) Gain inner sight or insight to think and act in ways that create a fulfilled life rather than an overly full life
b) Realign and harmonise your different bodies or fields of existence
c) Rebalance the elements (pancha mahabhuta) in you
d) Balance the right and left sides of the brain
e) Shift and rewire neural pathways... and much more!
Rewire and reset the nervous system for optimal functioning and healing
Self mastery and stress management practices to align with your bliss field
Somatic practices to support your physiology into supporting your vision for life
Pranic / energy practices to experience the subtle bodies
Emotional management guidelines for better work and home relationships
Healing the mind and its conditioned belief systems
Intellectual & experiential exploration of the deeper principles of full-spectrum healing
Tools and practices to embody the teachings
Enliven and rebalance all of your chakra / energy centres
Hone your success skills and learn the secret of effortless effort
1 to 3 minute cathartic and tension releasers that can be done anytime, anywhere.
You will build confidence, clarity and zest for life which will enhance your relationship to self, others, and universal fairness principles